Friday 29 October 2010

Prelim Task Intro.

To start of this coursework, we have been asked to produce a Preliminary Task; involving us creating the front page and contents page of a school magazine. This has to appeal to our target audience and include various aspects which apply to school/sixth form. I have chosen to focus on Acland Burghley School, specifically the sixth form audience and will be relating to them throughout.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Introduction to blog.

My name is Danielle Nash, I'm 16 years old and am currently attending La Swap Sixth Form, studying for the following A Levels: English Language, Media Studies, Drama and Theatre Studies and Sociology. 

In media the tasks we are going to be completing during this coursework include: 
to research into the music press
to create a school magazine
and finally, to create a music magazine of our desired choice.