Wednesday 21 September 2011

Narrative Structure of a Film Trailer.

What is the common narrative structure of a trailer? 
- Most trailers normally start with establishing the setting and introducing the characters. This gives the audience an idea about what the film is going to be about.
- Then a series of disruptions/ dilemmas are shown, which the characters have to try to overcome.
- We then see the characters trying to overcome these problems, but a resolution is not shown in the trailer.

How does the narrative structure differ from Todorov's structure? 
- Todorov (a theorist) suggested that conventional narratives are structured in five stages:

1. A state of equilibrium of the outset.
2. A disruption of the equilibrium by some action.
3. A recognition that there has been a disruption. 
4. An attempt to repair the disruption. 
5. A reinstatement of the equilibrium. 

- The difference between the two are that a trailer doesn't include a main feature of Todorov's structure; 'a reinstatement of the equilibrium'. If this was included, there would be little point in watching the film, as the viewer would already know the ending.

How does the structure of a trailer help to sell it to an audience? 
- A trailer tells the audience the genre, target audience and some of the story line. This attracts the target audience it is aimed at, as by watching, the viewer will be able to tell whether the film is suitable for them.
- Secondly, as the narrative structure doesn't include 'a reinstatement of the equilibrium', this may make the audience eager to know the resolution to some of the obstacles shown in the trailer.

Analyse ONE trailer using Todorov's Theory.


Paranormal Activity 3 follows Todorov's theory, but as it is a trailer as said above, it doesn't include the fifth stage.

- The trailer starts with a state of equilibrium of the outset, with the date being shown; September 3rd 1988. This tells the audience the film is set in the past, and for people who have seen the other two Paranormal Activity films before this, will give them a clue already as to what the story is based on.

- We then see a disruption of the equilibrium by some action with the filming going fuzzy, hinting to the viewer something isn't right.

- A recognition that there has been a disruption is when a woman appears to be dragged across her bedroom floor, but this seems to be set in the past.

- We see  an attempt to repair the disruption when you hear the woman say 'what ever happened to us when we were little Katie', and flash backs are shown. This shows them trying to repair the disruption between the characters.

- As I said above, a reinstatement of the equilibrium isn't included in trailers, as this leaves suspense as to how the characters solve some of disruptions shown, leaving the audience in suspense.

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