Monday 27 December 2010

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question Two - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My magazine could be categorised with existing music magazines such as: Top of the Pops, Kerrang! and many more. This is due to them both people distributed in corner shops, local shopping stores and in retail. Top of the Pops magazine is a BBC publication which is distributed in traditional methods of distribution as seen above, which promotes bands and artist's to help their sales of the bands records and associate the BBC with a teenage audience. This makes the magazine accessible to all ages and genders, which is exactly what I intended for my own, in order to keep it not limited to certain people.

Another popular place that would sell my magazine would be shops such as, HMV who specialist in music publication. They normally have music magazines situated at the till points, meaning once people are in the queue ready to pay, they are more likely to pick up a copy of the latest music magazine to keep up to date.

I chose to price my magazine at £2.40, which I think is fair seeing as it is packed full of competitions, prizes, news, fashion and interviews. This is similar to Top of the Pops, which is priced at £2.35. Also, as I want it to appeal to readers from the ages of 15-19 they are more likely to have the money to spend meaning they won't find it overpriced.

My magazine would also be involved with online publishing with its own exclusive website, as in this modern day society most people use the internet, meaning it will get out to a wider audience. Also, this would allow people to have an insight into the magazine by finding out about it, meaning they have more knowledge on it, encouraging them to purchase it in the shops. Magazines such as Kerrang! have an online magazine:
This includes features such as: news, access all areas, swag, podcast, k! magazine, tickets, shop, subscribe and bands.

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